Graveyard deck clash royale
Graveyard deck clash royale

  • A support spell of some sort (Again, for this guide, we will just assume it is Poison).
  • A tank of some sort (For the sake of this guide, we’ll say Ice Golem).
  • Generally, in order for a push to be effective, you will need 3 things: However, if you go in for a Graveyard push at the wrong time, you will get punished extremely hard for it. Always take whatever value your opponent gives you:Įxploiting your opponent’s card cycle, punishing their mistakes, and counter-pushing are integral factors when playing Graveyard. Or, perhaps more importantly, if they play an elixir collector (ESPECIALLY if it is behind their tower) or a high-cost unit such as Golem in the back, it might be worth punishing them with the Graveyard depending on the situation. This should give you a lot of tower damage and put you at an advantage for the rest of the game. If an opportunity presents itself before then, go for it, but other than that just be patient.įor example, if you are up a bunch of Elixir or if you have a massive counter push coming down the lane, it is okay to play the Graveyard before double elixir. Instead, you generally want to wait until double elixir. The key to playing graveyard is getting the most value possible out of your cards, and it is especially important in Graveyard decks.Ī well-timed Graveyard can single-handedly win the game for you, so waiting until your opponent makes a mistake or waiting until they are vulnerable is incredibly important in Graveyard decks.īecause one Graveyard can win a game, you don’t have to play it like Hog Rider cycle decks or Miner decks, where the goal is essentially to play your win condition as much as possible.

    graveyard deck clash royale

    Advanced Guide and Tips for Graveyard Being Patient is the Key This is what makes it such an effective card, especially in long matchups. Unfortunately, it very hard t prevent the Graveyard from doing any damage. It is very important to wait for a little before playing them so you can kill multiple Skeletons. Spells: These can be used as a last resort counter.Her splash allows her to take out multiple skeletons at once, making her an extremely effective counter. These include the Lumberjack, due to his high hit speed and good health. Melee cards: Certain melee cards are very good at countering the Graveyard.Ranged cards: The Dart Goblin, Princess, and Archers are also effective, especially because of their high attack speed.Swarms: They do a very good job of countering the actual skeletons but are extremely vulnerable to spells, especially Poison.It is important to hold onto your counters and take care of the tanking cards. When using the Graveyard, it is important to place it on the opposite side of the King tower so you don’t accidentally activate it.ĭefending the Graveyard is relatively simple, and it has many counters, but messing up can be disastrous. Ineffective Graveyard usage can be punished very hard due to its high cost and lack of damage that it does to defending troops. It requires knowledge of the entire match and your opponent’s deck.

    graveyard deck clash royale

    Using the Graveyard on the offensive is relatively simple, but it is hard to know when to use it. It accompanies it very well due to its ability to stop swarms, but can also counter it very well now that it kills Skeletons with one tick.

    graveyard deck clash royale

    Poison has an interesting relationship with the Graveyard. The core concept of playing Graveyard is to defend with other units, especially splash cards, then using these surviving defenders along with spells to stop units defending against your Graveyard. It is also a high skill card (at least the cards that accompany it) and one that can a huge problem for you or your opponent. The Graveyard is a very unique card that requires the support of an entire deck to work effectively. The Skeletons swan in a random place alond the spell’s radius. It spwans 16 Skeletons over a wide area anywhere in the Arena. Graveyard is unlocked from Arena 12 (Spooky Town).

    Graveyard deck clash royale